Farm process, production unit and/or hatchery and exporter​
a) Farm, production unit / harchery
When an exporter intends to export birds of up to three days old to Mexico, the following must be taken into account:
The management and practices carried out in the hatchery can help to express the genetic potential of the birds, compromise it and, in the worst case, be the cause of mortality upon reaching the farm.
Correct disinfection of eggs and transport to farm
Based on the fact that the eggs come from disease-free birds, it should be verified that:
There is frequent egg collection.
The nests are sufficient, clean, and closed at night.
Disinfection, regardless of the product to be used, be carried out as soon as possible.
Eggs are stored at the correct temperature.
The previously cleaned and disinfected truck, which transports the eggs from the farm to the plant, has a temperature equal to or less than the egg storage room on the farm.
Reception of hatching eggs and storage in plant
You must have control over the temperature of the eggs when they are lowered from the truck and mobilized inside the plant. Increases in temperature can cause eggs to "sweat". By lowering the temperature again as it enters the hatchery, pathogens on the surface of the shell can gain access to the interior of the eggs. The penetrating pathogens can generate embryonic mortality during the incubation process or be present in birds at birth and cause mortality.
The objective of preheating is to ensure that the eggs before being placed in the incubator have a similar temperature and degree of development, helping to ensure that the largest number of birds hatch at the same time and that they do not dehydrate unnecessarily in hatching machines at the same time. wait for the other birds to be ready.
Embryonic temperature is the most determining factor not only for birth but also for adequate body development and, therefore, for good survival on the farm.
Very high levels of carbon dioxide are the result of inadequate ventilation. Without a correct oxygen level in the hatcher machines, the mechanism of use of the yolk sac is compromised.
The humidity of the incubators must be such that at the time of transfer the eggs have lost about 12% of their initial weight. Very low weight losses will be reflected in small air that will cause difficulties for the birds to get out and therefore lacerations known as red elbows.
Belongs to the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP)
If a farm, production unit or hatchery located in the USA is interested in exporting to Mexico, it is necessary for that plant to belongs to the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP)
Being current with their registrations, their statement and payment of taxes before the US Government –having a Tax ID or Tax Identification Number.
Being located in a State that is free from diseases forbidden by Mexico, for example. Newcastle disease or avian influenza.
Establish written procedures / records to provide the flock identification system and procedures to maintain the identity of eggs from the time of production, transport, storage, processing and packaging (traceability).
Maintain all applicable records for one year.
Export requirements frequently change, obtain the current export requirements from the Veterinary Services service center in your area before each shipment.
b) Inspection Stamps
Once the interested party belongs to the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP), an authorization number will be provided, which must be printed on the boxes and / or containers of the products they export to Mexico.
Boxes and cases of hatching eggs shall be marked/labeled with a NPIP inspected stamp and with the establishment number, which is allocated to the plant where the product is produced/processed and it is the number identifying the plant.
The NPIP registration number must appear on the outside of the boxes as long as it is as present in a prominent manner, on all goods and/or cases in a legible manner and of the appropriate size ensuring good visibility and easy recognition.
c) Items that are to Be Considered for Shipment for fertile egg
Fertile eggs upon entering Mexico will have to comply with the following:
The eggs were disinfected at the farm of origin and packed in new cardboard boxes.
The vehicles and / or containers in which the fertile eggs were transported were washed and disinfected prior to shipment.
The boxes were adequately stowed on disinfected wooden pallets and the boxes were wrapped for stability with a plastic film.
Each box is properly identified with the NPIP authorization number of the farm, production unit or hatchery anywhere on the outside of the container or on the package label, as long as it is prominently displayed throughout the merchandise and / or boxes in a legible way and of the appropriate size that ensures good visibility and can be easily recognized.
-Egg Backlight Inspection
In egg backlight inspection, light is used to determine egg quality. An automated piece of equipment examining large quantities is used by most egg packers to identify eggs with cracked shells or defects inside. During backlight inspection, eggs move on a conveyor and pass through mechanical sensors integrated with computer systems to separate defective eggs. Advanced technologies, using computerized cameras and sound wave technology, are also included for segregation of eggs.
Backlight inspection can be used in the plant of origin of the eggs to verify that they have no defects.
d) Exporter/Seller’s Process
i. Look for a farm, production unit or hatchery
There are few companies worldwide that dominate the world market, and they are companies that maintain a high level of biosecurity and are committed to animal welfare. So, if you want to export, we recommend that you approach one of these companies.
Look for a farm, production unit and / or hatchery that is registered in the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) and reach an agreement for the shipment of the goods that you want to export.
ii. Contact a Freight Forwarder
The Freight Forwarder will manage the logistics between the client contracting him and the services involved in the transportation of goods to the destination country.
When looking for a Freight Forwarder, it is important to evaluate the following –since on this depends, to a great extent, the speed and agility with which goods will cross to the destination country:
Does he have the capacity to handle my product?
Does he know how to handle my product?
How large is his suppliers and collaborators network?
How is the level of communication?
What is his experience handling my product?
To find a Freight Forwarder in the US, you may look for one on your own, or click on the following link of the National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America, Inc:
iii. Contact a Customs Broker
A Customs Broker is an individual, association or private company with a valid and regulated license by the Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
It helps importers and exporters to meet federal requirements that rule importations and exportations of goods. It provides advice to the client, keeps him informed about all the load details and is constantly in communication.
It is in charge of sending information and necessary payments to the CBP on behalf of its clients in exchange for a fee for this service.
When looking for a Customs Broker or Freight Forwarder, it is important to evaluate the following –since on this depends, to a great extent, the speed and agility with which goods will cross to the destination Country:
Does he have the capacity to handle my product?
Does he know how to handle my product?
How large is his suppliers and collaborators network?
How is the level of communication?
What is his experience handling my product?
There are more than 14,000 Customs Broker in the US with an active license. To find one, you may search on your own, or you may click on the following CBP office link:
iv. Make Sure the Importer/Buyer Meets the Necessary Requirements
To be current with its tax obligations before the SAT (Tax Administrations Service)
To be registered on the SAT’s importers registry; or if using a trader, it shall be registered in the importer’s registry.
To have a Customs Broker in Mexico to carry out the importation of goods.
v. Necessary documentation for the purchase-sale, transfer and arrival of the goods to the destination country.
It is important to create an international agreement for the sale of goods between the supplier in the US and the buyer in Mexico (preferably in one single language for both parties) in order to set forth rights, obligations, price, INCOTERMS® (international terms of trade) and taking care of transaction legal aspects.
Creating a file containing documents that have been exchanged between buyer and seller, emails, notes, faxed letters, etc. in order to have a backup on the negotiations carried out.
Packing list.
Commercial invoice.
Origin health certificate for exportation.
Shipper Export Declaration Form.
Certificate of origin, it is a “Self-Certification” scheme, it is no longer carried out by an authority.
IMPORTANT: For the purposes of obtaining preferential tariff treatment from the T-MEC (Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada) the invoice of the goods can present the certification and must contain at least the following information:
vi. Sanitary provisions
a) Mexico´s zoosanitary requirements to allow the importation of hatching egg from the United States of America in accordance with SENASICA. (HRZ)
According to the product to be imported (fertile egg), the importer must review and comply with the combination of current requirements (at the time of its introduction into the national territory) established in the MCRZ WARNING: The exporter and importer must check the last version/ updated Zoosanitay requirements sheet (HRZ) before sending the shipment to the border in the following link
For Hatching eggs requirements use the combination 004-01-83-USA-USA
Example of the requirements to be met by the importer
Present original Official Health Certificate issued by the corresponding authority of the country of origin that indicates:
1. Exporter and importer’s name and address.
2. That the product originates from the Country indicated on the document under origin.
3. The hatching eggs originate from areas and/or flocks free of mycoplasmosis.
4. The hatching eggs proceed from a [country] [State] [region] [producing farm] [and/or incubator plant] free of avian salmonellosis (Salmonella pullorum and S. gallinarum).
5. That the hatching eggs come from flocks and incubators located in areas that comply with the recommendations in the Health Code for Terrestrial animals of the world Organization for Animal Health (OIE) to be considered free of Newcastle Disease Velogenic presentation in commercial poultry and a) have not been in contact with poultry products from any area where Newcastle Disease exists and b) has not traveled through an area where Newcastle disease is considered to exist unless it is transferred directly through the Zone in a sealed means of transport with the seal intact upon reaching the point of destination] c) [That in the farm where the hatching eggs come from has a monitoring program of 35 birds that began after 18 weeks of age, using the tests of viral isolation and identification of velogenic strains using the intracerebral pathogenicity index test in One-day-old chicks, and it takes place every three to four months, getting negative results to Newcastle Disease Velogenic presentation. At least 10 specimens will be live birds or samples taken from the trachea, lung, spleen, brain or cecal tonsil, and the remainder (25) may be tracheal or cloacal swabs; re-samplings may be in the same manner with 35 tracheal or cloacal swabs.
6. That the product comes from flocks of origin farms where at least 59 serum samples were taken that were tested for Avian Influenza, using the double Agar Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) or ELISA test in accordance to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) guidelines, and which tested negative for Avian Influenza; or that the origin flock or farm is registered in the National Poultry Improvement Plan.
7. The hatching eggs were disinfected at the farm of origin and packed in new cardboard boxes.
8. The hatching eggs were transported in vehicles and containers that have been cleaned and disinfected prior to shipment.
9. The hatching eggs are eligible to be freely transported and marketed within the United States.
Other requirements to be met by the Office of Agricultural Health Inspection (OISA) upon presentation of the shipment:
10. The Animal Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Safety Official (OSAAP) should perform the documentation review and physical inspection of total shipments and make sure that the information in the package corresponds with the zoosanitary health certificate.
11. Upon entering the country, the eggs will be transported in vehicles or strapped containers to their destination. The strap can only be broken by the Authorized Responsible Veterinarian of the farm, and must notify the OISA of the number of straps removed within a period of no more than two days.
12. Shipment and documentation must comply with the provisions established in articles 24, 32, and applicable provisions of 89 of the Federal Animal Health Law.
13. The national mobilization must be carried out based on the provisions of the Agreement by which the campaign and the zoosanitary measures that must be applied for the diagnosis, prevention, control and eradication of Reportable Avian Influenza are made known, in the zones of the Mexican territory.
14. As of September 1, 2013, the following must be included in the Zoosanitary Certificate of origin: Indicate the approval number in the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) of the farm and / or incubator of origin of the birds.
If you wish to know more about the “Agreement by which the campaign and animal health measures are publicized, for diagnosis, prevention, control and eradication of notifiable Avian Influenza” you may click on the following link:
The following Mexican States are classified as free: Baja California, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Colima, Chihuahua, Quintana Roo, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas and Yucatan. The remaining States are in a limited prevalence phase for this campaign.
b) Hatching egg inspection procedure in accordance with the SENASICA Commercial Guide.
Hatching eggs should be backed up by a US export certificate, and a bilingual health certificate-addendum (the addendum is an annex/document where information is provided additional to the health certificate) issued by a Veterinarian authorized by APHIS and endorsed by a Veterinary Services veterinarian.
If you wish to know form (VS 17-6) of the export certificate for hatching eggs, you may click on the following link:
Hatching Egg and Shell Egg Considerations
1. Inspection of merchandise should be carried out in such a way as to minimize damage to the shell.
a) Acceptable criteria are considered:
I. Stains that are not blood, or feces that cover an area 0.5 cm².
II. Blood stains, which do not exceed a surface greater than 0.5 cm².
b. Dirty eggs criteria are considered:
I. An egg stained with blood, feces, or urine that exceeds 0.6 cm². On the surface.
II. The cracked egg is not acceptable because it affects the viability of the egg. Cracks are those that are the width of a hair or more.
III. The number of dirty eggs in each tray must not exceed 10%.
IV. A sample is only taken for the laboratory when, upon physical inspection, some evidence of sanitary risk is presented and the regulatory area so determines and it must be sent to CENASA for its diagnosis at cost to the Interested Party.
Hatching eggs considerations
1. For shipments of origin and origin from Argentina or Brazil, the SICPA must verify that the product comes from plants approved by SENASICA.
2. The factors of temperature, time and humidity during the physical inspection must not have a detrimental effect on the viability of the genetic material or favor the growth of pathogenic organisms; Drastic changes in temperature damage the viability of genetic material and favor the growth of pathogenic organisms.
Phase I. Document Review:
1. The user must capture the data and attach the documents of the merchandise to be imported in accordance with what is requested in the Combination of Zoosanitary Requirements corresponding to the country of origin and provenance, as well as in the special letters issued by the DGSA when applicable.
Phase II. Physical inspection:
1. 100% of the containers and / or pallets containing the merchandise must be unloaded in the inspection area and the pallets must be placed so that they allow the path of official personnel.
2. The cargo must be well stowed, so that the necessary movements can be carried out to unload and inspect the merchandise.
3. Containers and / or pallets must be presented clean.
4. The officer verifies that the original strapping is presented intact at the opening (when so indicated in the requirements module).
5. Official staff corroborate that the eggs were packed in new washed cardboard or plastic boxes.
6. It is verified that 100% of the boxes are well identified by means of labels or stamps that contain the information referring to the shipment, for example, but not limited to: number of official zoosanitary certificate, number of incubator or producer plant, name of the farm, lot number (s) and in accordance with compliance with the fractions of Art. 89 of the LFSA. It must be verified that the identification present in the boxes corresponds to what is declared in the documentation of the merchandise to be imported.
7. The trays should not be shaken, the eggs should not be removed from their place except when a drained or stained egg is observed, to verify how far the stain reaches and determine the number of “dirty” eggs per box.
8. The visual inspection of the egg, which is recommended to verify its compliance with the animal health requirements established for this type of merchandise, includes:
a. Open the box when required by the requirements combination.
b. Select the boxes to be checked according to Table 1 of this procedure.
c. Choose the boxes randomly.
d. Check the eggs preferably on table surfaces and in places with a temperature similar to that in which the eggs should be kept, to avoid condensation water forming on them in hot places.
e. Check without the presence of drafts.
F. Check all the trays of the selected boxes.
Table 1. Determination of the sample size of the boxes to be inspected
The classification of defects to approve or reject the importation of products will be applied according to the following table:
1. If more than 10% of dirty egg is found per sampled tray, the revision is increased to 50% more than the boxes inspected; if the pattern repeats or increases, reject the lot.
Opinion of the procedure:
1. Accept that the process continues if there was no obstacle in the physical inspection of the merchandise. Place the strap (s) when indicated in the requirements module (fertile egg and SPF).
2. Refusal of the procedure when:
a. Does not comply with any of the established Zoosanitary Requirements, indicating in the refusal the specific reasons to proceed with the modification of the procedure if it is appropriate or the definitive rejection of the shipment.
b. The presence of blood, excrement and / or feathers or small feathers is detected in the amounts described in Table 2.
Hatching Eggs Chain:
Number of egg boxes
that make up the batch
Sample minimum size
(number of boxes to select)
Once chicks have been appropriately raised in the farm, they lay eggs.
Eggs are classified as hatching or commercial eggs. Hatching eggs are disinfected and stored in chambers at a temperature between 19-20 °C (66-68 °F) in order to stop the embryo development and to ship/export them to Mexico to a hatchery.
Once hatching eggs are received in the hatchery in Mexico, they are checked to make sure they are not cracked or broken, and the following activities take place
a) Eggs are placed inside the incubator.
b) They are analyzed approximately after 11 days to identify unfertilized eggs and estimate the birth percentage.
c) They remain 18 days in the incubator machines.
d) They go to the hatcher where they remain approximately 2 days and a half until they are born.
e) Once the chick is born, they are transferred to a room where they are vaccinated and sexed.
f) Chicks are sent to the broiler barn.
Once chicks are received in the barn, they are given the necessary feed and care depending on their stage of development, as well as the ideal temperature to preserve their health and well-being conditions for the birds that allow to offer them quality products in the marketplace.
When the birds go into the processing plant, special care is given to hygiene and safety throughout the process: harvesting, defeathering process, evisceration, selection of the type of product, weighing, labeling and refrigeration or placement in ice to preserve chicken freshness, and sealed as a guarantee.
Once the product leaves the processing plant for the distribution centers, retail stores or point of sale where it will be marketed.
Most Commonly Used SENASICA’s Sanitary Combinations with the Applicable Tariff Classifications
​vii. Checklist of documents to verify