Preparation of Shipment and/or Load
a) Packaging
Primary Packaging: It is the container aimed at containing a product and which is in contact with it.
Secondary Packaging: It is the container used to contain primary packaging.
Packaging Materials: They are all the materials, procedures and methods used to condition, present, handle, store, preserve and transport goods.
i. For imports
Hatching eggs exported and intended for a hatchery in Mexico are usually placed on cardboard cartons usually 360 per box, or trays protecting them from shocks or jerks. These cardboard trays are placed onto plastic bases, and the bases are stacked on one another. It is recommended no to put more than 5 levels. They shall be resistant enough to withstand the stacking height without deformation. After these bases are stacked, they are normally put inside a new cardboard box, and the cardboard boxes are closed and wrapped in plastic or protected with several plastic layers around to avoid movement among boxes.
External packaging materials for eggs shall be new, dry, clean and in good condition.
It is important to have the same ambient/temperature condition between the truck and the farm’s egg warehouse to preserve the potential growth. Keep them in a dry area, clean and protected from extreme heat or cold.
Shocks between carts/egg tray towers, strong jerks and sudden movements should be avoided; trucks shall have a good suspension system and fix carts/tower of trays well. Access to the hatcheries shall be in the best possible condition.
It is key to use temperature monitors during transportation to check for temperature fluctuations during that period. Also, it is recommended to measure the external and internal temperature of several eggs in different locations to verify temperatures.
Cleaning and disinfection of all components involved in transportation of eggs is of utmost importance to avoid pathogen dissemination.
If truck temperature is greater than the farm’s warehouse temperature, there is a risk of egg’s “perspiration” (condensation formed when the colder egg surface is exposed to warmer and/or more humid air).
When the temperature is the same in both areas, the same “perspiration” may happen during loading or unloading if the environment is excessively humid. In such an instance, it is recommended to increase warehouse temperature a few hours before eggs will be transported. It is very important to carry out the supplier's recommendations regarding temperature, providing all the information on the conditions that the merchandise will face and thus be able to assess the appropriate temperatures.
ii. Pallets
It is important to use pallets or stacked products which facilitates loading and unloading of goods. If pallets are made of debarked wood, they shall bear the official stamp indicating they were subjected to treatment against pests using methyl-bromide (MB) fumigation with a total 24-hour exposure, heat treatment (HT) by dielectric heating (DH) in accordance in accordance to NOM-144-SEMARNAT-2017 Mexican Standard –which sets forth the phytosanitary measures to reduce the risk of introduction and/or spreading of quarantine pests associated to international trade mobilization of wood packaging material, made of raw wood used in international trade).
Regulations on International Trade Wood Packaging Material:
NOM-144-SEMARNAT-2017 Mexican Official Standard:
Mark on wooden pallets:
- Examples of Correct and Incorrect Loads
b) Labeling
i. For imports
It is necessary that labels affixed to the boxes of goods contain the information requested by Mexican authority.
The suggestion is to place the label on one end of the box with the NPIP logo, and the allocated approval number, exporter and importer’s data, as well as the export health certificate number. Additionally, the labels with the information below shall be clearly visible, and they shall allow for its full identification.
Plant’s original label in the language of the Country of Origin with the following information:
Name and description of product (variety, line or commercial name).
Destination Country.
Hatchery’s number and seal approved by NPIP.
Export health certificate number
To declare the destination of the shipment: "name and address" preferably the destination address of the merchandise should be entered, however in those cases in which the declared destination address does not match with that of the importer stated on the box label, it will be acceptable that the Interested party present a letter of commitment in which under oath of telling the truth, declare the specific address for that shipment, as well as the amount that will arrive at that place, when the entire shipment has a single destination. For those shipments that have more than one address in Mexico, It will be required that each request to process the Zoosanitary Certificate for import (CZI) is accompanied by the corresponding Export certificate, so that the CZI is transmitted and the point of entry into Mexican territory, that will protect their internal mobilization towards their final destination, complying with the applicable Mexican regulations in force regarding animal health.
See annex 60 (informative note) SENASICA commercial guide.
If you wish to know about the correct labeling for fertile egg click on the following link:
Information on labels shall match the information on the export health certificate and the provisions of article 89 of the Federal Animal Health Law that apply in accordance with the corresponding HRZ.
It will be verified that 100% of the boxes are well identified according to the labels or stamps that contain the information regarding the shipment.
Additional, handwritten or typed labels are allowed with information that is relevant to the exporter and/or customer without compromising the original plant label and will not be a reason for the shipment to be detained.
This is an example if you want to put an additional label.
Exporter (company name and address).
Importer (Company name, address and Federal Tax Payer ID).
Lot (s).
Country of Origin and country of departure.
Destination country.
Quantity/contents of eggs (per box).
Shipping date.
Production or laying date.
Example for hatching eggs the data is not real and it's used as an example only
The ISO code for the United States of America is: “US”