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Preparation of shipment and/or Load

a)   Packaging  

  • Primary Packaging: It is the container aimed at containing a product and which is in contact with it.

  • Secondary Packaging: It is the container used to contain primary packaging.

  • Packaging Materials: They are all the materials, procedures and methods used to condition, present, handle, store, preserve and transport goods.

Eggs shall comply with the applicable standards, laws and regulations –which define the criteria for quality, weight, freshness, packaging and labeling– to be marketed and exported/imported.


Eggs are packaged after they have been classified and graded. External packaging materials of eggs shall be new, shock-resistant, dry, clean and in good condition. Usually, these materials protect eggs from off-odors and of possible quality alterations –moderate pulp, cardboard or polyethylene.

All corrugated fiber filler floors used for packaging and packaging material must be new, showing no evidence of prior use. Any unmanufactured wood materials used to stabilize the eggs on pallets must be new or independently certified to meet the International Phytosanitary Standard (ISPM-15).


Shipping containers must be sealed (company seal) prior to departure from the processing facility. Stamp numbers must appear on the Form, LPS-210S.


Eggs should be sold to consumers during the 21 days after it was laid, even though they can be consumed until the best-by date on the package, which is by the 28th day after they were laid.


i. Bulk and Wholesale


Eggs intended to be sold bulk or wholesale are placed in polyethylene, cardboard or molded pulp cartons, boxes or trays where they can be transported without moving. Eggs are commonly contained in packages of 24 or 30 pieces according to the label placed on the outside he supplier. These are in turn packaged in cardboard boxes which protect against shocks. Boxes are sealed, adhesive tape is used and a fully identifying information label is placed on the outside. Box resistance should be capable of withstanding the stacking height without deformations. The net weight of the box will be classified with the number of individual eggs per box.

Example: 30 dozen boxes = 360 eggs per box or 15 dozen boxes = 180 eggs per box.











ii.- End-consumer and Retail

Eggs intended for retail are placed in plastic or cardboard cartons, boxes or trays that can hold eggs without movement. Eggs are commonly contained in packages of 6, 12 or 18 pieces according to the suppliers. They are also packaged in cardboard boxes which protect against shocks.


Examples of Correct and Incorrect Loads







iii.- Pallets

It is important to use pallets or stacked products which facilitates loading and unloading of goods. If pallets are made of debarked wood, they shall bear the official stamp indicating they were subjected to treatment against pests using methyl-bromide (MB) fumigation with a total 24-hour exposure, heat treatment (HT) by dielectric heating (DH) in accordance  in accordance to NOM-144-SEMARNAT-2017 Mexican Standard –which sets forth the phytosanitary measures to reduce the risk of introduction and/or spreading of quarantine pests associated to international trade mobilization of wood packaging material, made of raw wood used in international trade).

Regulations on International Trade Wood Packaging Material:


NOM-144-SEMARNAT-2017 Mexican Official Standard:


Mark on wooden pallets:



b. Labelling

Label data are nor real, they are for exemplification purposes only.

i. Bulk and Wholesale

It is necessary that labels affixed to the boxes of goods contain the information requested by Mexican authority.


The suggestion is to place the label on one end of the box with the information below; it shall be clearly visible, and it shall allow for its full identification.

Spanish language label with the following information:


  • Exporter (company name and address).

  • Importer (Company name, address and Federal Tax Payer ID).

  • Egg Grade (A, AA).

  • Lot (s).

  • Country of Origin and country of departure.

  • Destination country.

  • Product name and description.

  • Quantity/contents of eggs (per box).

  • Plant number and seal.

  • Packing date.

  • Expiration date.

  • Number of export health certificate.

  • Preservation phrases (keep refrigerated).

  • Production or laying date.

Information on labels shall match the information on the export health certificate 

In accordance with Article 89 of the Federal Animal Health Law the following information must also be included the following information:


  • Origin.

  • Provenance.

  • Destination.

  • Lot.

  • Date of production or date of slaughter.

  • Date of packaging, process or elaboration.

  • Expiration date or best before date.


It is important to consider the information established by the Official Mexican Standard NOM-159-SSA1-1996 in point number 10 regarding labeling:

10.1 The denomination of the product shall include the treatment it was subjected to.

10.2 If the identification of the lot corresponds to the Expiration or Best By Date, the legend “Lot” and “Expiration Date or Best By Date” shall be indicated before it, as the case may be.

10.3 Indicate the laying date(production date) as well as the best by date for shell eggs.

10.5 Pre-packaged products not intended for end consumers:

10.5.1 Labels affixed on products shall be attached in such a way that they remain available at the time of use.

10.5.2 The information referred to in this Standard shall be in Spanish language, regardless of the fact it may appear in other languages. When the information is in other languages, it shall also be included in Spanish, at least with the same font size and in a similar visible manner.

10.5.3 Ingredients shall be listed in decreasing quantitative order (m/m).

10.5.4 Domestic products or from abroad shall include the legend indicating the country of origin of the products, for example: "Made in..."; "Product of..."; "Manufactured in...", and other similar ones, followed by the name of the Country of origin of the product.

10.5.5 They shall indicate the corresponding date in accordance to what is set forth in items 10.3 and 10.4 of this Standard, which shall comply with the following: The manufacturer shall declare it on the package or label, and it shall consist at least of: The day and month for products that last maximum three months; or The month and year for products which last more than three months. The date shall appear after a legend indicating if said date refers to the expiration date or the best by date. In the case of expiration date, it shall be indicated including before it one of the following legends, their abbreviations or similar legends: “Expiration Date ___”, “Expiration ____”, “Exp. Dat.____”. In the case of best by date, it shall be indicated writing before it one of the following legends, their abbreviation or similar legends: “Preferably Consume Before ____”, “Pref. Cons. Before ___”. Words indicated in numbers and shall be accompanied by the date itself.

10.5.6 Every container shall have indicated or marked in any way the lot identification to which it belongs, with a coded indication allowing for its traceability.

10.5.7 The lot identification including the product manufacturer shall be marked in an indelible and permanent manner.

10.5.8 The lot code shall include before it any of the following indications: “LOT”, “Lot”, “L”, “Lote”, “lote”, “lot”.

10.5.9 If the lot identification corresponds to the expiration date, or the best by date, the legends “Lot” and “Expiration Date or Best By Date” shall be included before it as the case may be.

10.6 Legends.

Products subject matter of this Standard shall, as the case may be, include the following legends or an equivalent legend:

10.6.1 In the case of shell eggs, include: “Once the product is purchased, it is recommended to keep it under refrigeration”.

10.6.2 For products requiring refrigeration or freezing, the legends shall be included, as the case may be: “Keep or Maintain under Refrigeration or Frozen”.

10.6.6 Legends above shall be indicated clearly and with highlighted characters, so that they are visible for the consumer.

It will be verified that 100% of the boxes are well identified according to the labels or stamps that contain the information regarding the shipment.


Example of labels to sell bulk or wholesale table eggs, the data is not real, it is used as an example only:




ii.- End-Consumer and Retail

It is important and necessary that if the products  are intended for sale to the final consumer (retail) you must go to an authorized verification unit to review and guarantee that your labeling is correct, the verification unit is the only competent entity to carry out said activity.

The Modification Labeling Standard NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1- Compliance with the labeling regulation is mandatory for all products marketed in Mexico. Beginning October 1st, 2020, all prepackaged non-alcoholic foods and beverages entering the country must comply with the modifications to the labeling regulation to be admitted at the point of entry.

At the point of entry, the importer will need to provide a Proof of Conformity (Dictamen de cumplimiento) to the customs agent. These documents can be emitted only by an accredited verification unit (before known as UVA) now Inspection Unit. The Proof of Conformity will require an on-site verification visit.

It is important to mention that compliance with the labeling regulations is not certifiable and accreditation by a verification unit is voluntary EXCEPT for importers, in which case the verification document is mandatory to allow the product in.

It is necessary that as of October 1st, 2020, the updated Proof of Conformity with NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010, along with the other documents, be delivered to the customs broker at the time of export. It is possible to make a commitment letter so that the labels can be conditioned with adhesives under the supervision of a Verification Unit and thus import the product, if the compliance report was not available by October 1.

Imported products are allowed to use adhesives to comply with the labeling requirements indefinitely.

NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 labelling information may be translated from origin or made after the goods have been entered into national territory, after customs release, but before sale to the final consumer. So, it is recommended to hire a Verification Unit.


It is necessary that the information or labels affixed to Ready-to-Eat product packages have the information that the Mexican health authority requires in accordance with NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 Mexican Standard.

The suggestion is to place the label in the front or on one end of the box with the information below; it shall be clearly visible, and it shall allow for its full identification –the word eggs and the brand name shall be the same size.

Spanish language label with the following information:

  • Name or common denomination of product.

  • Egg Grade (A, AA).

  • Brand.

  • Importer/responsible for the product name and address.

  • Manufacturer’s data.

  • List of ingredients in descending order (for ingredients 5% and up in the composition, water, colorants, additives, etc.).

  • Use or cooking instructions.

  • Contents, net weight and drained mass (as the case may be).

  • Production or laying date.

  • Expiration date.

  • Country of origin using the legend: “hecho en” (“made in”) or “producto originario de” (“product from”).

  • Legend: "manténgase en refrigeración" (“keep refrigerated”) or "consérvese en congelación" (“keep frozen”) and “manténgase a - grados° C” (“keep at - ° C”) as the case may be.

  • Lot or corresponding lot number(s).


Information on labels shall match the information on the export health certificate and the provisions of article 89 of the Federal Animal Health Law that apply in accordance with the corresponding HRZ.


Example of labels to sell table eggs to end-consumers or at retail, the data is not real, it is used as an example only:










Nutrition labelling declaration is mandatory on the label of prepackaged products, and is separate from the specifications of the nutrimental frontal labeling (Data shown are not real, is just an example).

Front Labeling System


  • 5 potential seals are to be included when the regulation’s profiles are exceeded. The seals size, grouping, order, and location, varies depending on the product presentation. There are seals with numbers instead of with legends (excess calories, sugars, saturated fats, trans fats, sodium) for labels smaller than 40 cm2. The specific text content, proportions and formatting of the seals are specified in the standard.

  • If your product contains caffeine and/or sweeteners, the warning legends must be displayed in the right location and proportion.


Warning seals




NOTE: It is important to consider size and other requirements regarding the Front Labeling System, Warning legends, endorsements, healthy declarations and use of cartoon characters on products intended for kids. You can review more details in the download documents section.


If you need to know more about the details regarding NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 Mexican Standard and the correct labeling of products for sale to end consumers or wholesale, please follow this link:


If you need to know more about the details regarding NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 Mexican Standard modification on march 27 ,2020 and the correct labeling of products for sale to end consumers or wholesale, please follow this link:



- What is an Authorized Verification Unit (Before known as UVA)? Know Inspection Unit


Authorized Verification Units (UVAs) are private companies approved by the Ministry of Economy. They are entitled to issue opinions and letters for domestic and imported products; and to grant services to the users to help them with the correct filling of the commercial label in accordance with the Mexican Official Standards.


Among the services they provide, we find the following:


Conformity Letter: Document endorsing the compliance with the label of origin of imported or domestic products. It allows to prove the compliance in accordance with the applicable Mexican Official Standard (NOM). This document is valid for the applicant to prove compliance with the NOM before the authority requesting it –PROFECO, DGN, ADUANA, COFEPRIS.


Compliance Opinion: Letter endorsing compliance only with lot, shipping order or load number, indicated on the pedimento (customs entry document) and the invoice. This facilitates the release of goods and their transportation to the address indicated on the application for labeling.

The objective of this opinion is to help importation of products, even if it is not fully compliant with the corresponding NOM, for them to be relabeled in Mexico before selling it.


If you are interested in contacting an UVA to get these services, you may do it on your own or click on the authorized verification units in the following link:

SENASICA’s commercial guide

The ISO code for the United States of America is "US".


A) Designation of the prepackaged product shall appear in bold type inside the principal display panel of the label, on a parallel line to the base, as the product is designed and complying with the designation provisions contained in the Mexican Official Standard of prepackaged product.

B) All those ingredients or additives which may cause hypersensitivity, intolerance or allergies are to be declared in accordance to the corresponding regulations.

a) The following foods and ingredients may cause hypersensitivity, and shall always be declared:

-Eggs, egg products and its derivatives.

C) 4.8.1 Prepackaged products shall bear the mandatory information set forth in this Mexican Official Standard in Spanish language, regardless of the fact it may be expressed in other languages. When mandatory information is expressed in other languages, it shall also appear in Spanish in accordance to this Mexican Official Standard.

D) Domestic or foreign prepackaged foods and non-alcoholic beverages shall include the legend indicating the country of origin of products, for example: “Made in...”; “Product of...”; “Manufactured in ...”; or other similar phrases, followed by the country of origin of the product, subject to the provisions of international agreements to which Mexico is a part thereof. The use of adjectives designating the geographic origin and other similar ones, are allowed, as long as they are precise and do not lead to error in as to the origin of the product. For example: “Spanish Product”, “U.S. Product”, among others.

E) 3.44 Individual Responsible for the Product

Individual or company importing or processing a product, or which has ordered the total or partial processing by a third party.

F) For prepackaged products, the name, company name and fiscal address of the individual responsible for the product shall be indicated on the label including, but not limited to: street name, number, zip code and State where it is located.

G) 4.2.7 Expiration Date or Best-By-Date.

H) Each package shall have printed or marked in any way the identification of the lot it belongs to, with a coded indication which allows for its traceability.

I) When declaring the expiration date or best-by-date, any special conditions which are required for the preservation of the prepackaged food or non-alcoholic beverage shall be indicated on the label, if the validity of the date depends on complying with them.

For example, legends such as the following may be included: "manténgase en refrigeración" (“keep refrigerated”), "consérvese en congelación"  (“keep frozen”), "una vez descongelado no deberá volverse a congelar" (“once thawed out, do not freeze again”), "una vez abierto, consérvese en refrigeración" (“after opening, keep refrigerated”), or similar ones.

J) The following products will be exempted from including the Nutrition Declaration, as long as they do not include any Nutrition Claim or Health Claim:

i. Products including only one ingredient. For Egg this information is optional

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