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Origin Processing plant, exporter/seller's Process​

a) Farm


The process and handling that is carried out in the collection establishment consists of all the eggs destined for the processing and packaging of eggs for table, it is collected from the houses of the laying hens, they are washed, disinfected, classified according to their quality, packed and labeled under the continuous supervision of the USDA at the egg processing establishment.


The process of washing and sanitizing (disinfecting) the eggs is carried out in the processing / collection facility, protocol of its origin, under the continuous supervision of the USDA, before the eggs are certified and, in this way, it is guaranteed about disinfecting eggs on the farm.


When egg producers become interested in exporting eggs to Mexico, they shall take into account the following:

  • Approach USDA to Request Authorization.

  • The Egg Safety Rule became effective on July 9th 2010 for egg producers with 3,000 laying hens or more. In accordance to the requirements of this rule, egg producers are required to implement food safety guidelines to control risks related to harmful insects, rodents or other hazards; to purchase chicks and hens from suppliers maintaining Salmonella control in their farms; and to comply with the sampling, cleaning and refrigeration to prevent Salmonella before the FDA.

  • Being current with their registrations, their statement and payment of taxes before the US Government –having a Tax ID or Tax Identification Number.

  • Producers shall prove before APHIS that birds are healthy and free from disease.

  • Being located in a State that is free from diseases forbidden by Mexico, e.g. Newcastle disease or avian influenza according with the zoosanitary requirement sheet and/or SENASICA combination, review periodically as this point may be modified according to the health condition of the states/counties of the United States of America.

  • Product must be processed and packaged under USDA supervision at the table egg facility using the USDA voluntary grading or voluntary continuous residence service.

  • Belonging to the NPIP or proving that at least 59 (birds) serum samples were taken and tested for Avian Influenza, using the double Agar Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) or ELISA test in accordance to the guidelines set forth by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), which tested negative for Avian Influenza. To find authorized labs to perform such tests, you may click on the following link: (this document is continuously updated). 


b) Origin processing plant



  • The processing plant must approach USDA to request authorization.

  • If a processing, handling or storage plant located in the USA is interested in exporting to Mexico, it is necessary for that plant to be approved and authorized by the sanitary authority in the USA –AMS and the Local State Department.

  • Seek the authorization/granting of the plant stamp issued by USDA.

  • Comply with what is set forth in the Final Rule regarding Salmonella Enteritidis prevention in shell eggs during production and transportation:

  • To be current with its tax registration, return and payment before the US Government –having a TAX ID or Tax ID Number.

  • To be located in a State free from diseases forbidden in Mexico, e.g. Newcastle disease or Avian Influenza.

  • Establishing the written procedures/records to provide the flock identification system and procedures to maintain shell eggs identity from production through transportation, storage, processing and packaging (traceability).

  • Keeping all applicable records for one year.


c) Plant inspection stamps


  • Once USDA inspects the facilities and processes of plants which wish to be authorized for processing, handling and/or storing eggs, they will be provided an authorization number and a rubber stamp which shall be stamped on boxes and/or packages of products exported to Mexico. 

  • Packages and cases of goods shall be marked/labeled with USDA’s inspected stamp and with the establishment number (for example: PLANT-42), which is allocated to the plant where the product is produced/processed and it is the number identifying the plant.

  • The establishment number may appear on the package inside USDA’s inspected stamp as shown in the picture. It may also appear anywhere outside the package or on the package label, as long as it is present in a prominent manner, on all goods and/or cases in a legible manner and of the appropriate size ensuring good visibility and easy recognition.

Table Egg Products Stamp











d) Items that are to Be Considered for Shipment of Table Egg Loads Sanitary Provisions and Specifications


  • Eggs were disinfected in the processing plant and packaged in new cardboard cases sealed with tape, or packaged in cardboard; stacked on disinfected wooden pallets and boxes wrapped for stability with plastic film. Each case or pallet with the cartons is identified with a USDA stamp.

  • The final transport unit must be inspected by AMS for sanitation and the ability to adequately refrigerate the product during transport. Shipping is sealed prior to departure.

  • Vehicles carrying goods shall be only dedicated to food transportation. On August 27th, 1999, FSIS made effective the regulation requiring:

    Packaged eggs for consumers should be stored and transported under refrigeration without the temperature of air (surrounding them) exceeding 45 °F (7.2 °C).
    All packaged shell eggs should be labeled with a statement indicating that refrigeration is required.


Egg Backlight Inspection

In egg backlight inspection, light is used to determine egg quality. An automated piece of equipment examining large quantities is used by most egg packers to identify eggs with cracked shells or defects inside. During backlight inspection, eggs move on a conveyor and pass through mechanical sensors integrated with computer systems to separate defective eggs. Advanced technologies, using computerized cameras and sound wave technology, are also included for segregation of eggs.













e) Exporter/Seller’s Process


i. Look for a Plant Approved by USDA


Look for a processing, handling or storage plant authorized by the USDA and which is near your farm, and reach an agreement for the shipping and receiving the goods that are to be exported.  Once avian influenza monitoring has been completed, eligible table eggs will be certified with the form LPS-210S for export to Mexico and requested at the point of entry along with the certificate of free disease. All certificates (Form, LPS-210S) and disease-free statements must be signed in blue ink.

The facility must notify the USDA classifier of pending export orders, of the certification request, and provide the classifier with the following information:


• Name of the producer.

• Size of the lot to be certified.

• Flock identification and location information.

• If applicable, the date the product will arrive for processing.

• When should the product be classified and shipped.


ii. Contract a Freight Forwarder

The Freight Forwarder will manage the logistics between the client contracting him and the services involved in the transportation of goods to the destination Country.


When looking for a Freight Forwarder, it is important to evaluate the following –since on this depends, to a great extent, the speed and agility with which goods will cross to the destination Country:


  • Does he have the capacity to handle my product?

  • Does he know how to handle my product?

  • How large is his suppliers and collaborators network?

  • How is the level of communication?

  • What is his experience handling my product?


To find a Freight Forwarder in the US, you may look for one on your own, or click on the following link of the National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America, Inc:


iii. Contract a Customs Broker


A Customs Broker is an individual, association or private company with a valid and regulated license by the Customs and Border Protection (CBP).


It helps importers and exporters to meet federal requirements that rule importations and exportations of goods. It provides advice to the client, keeps him informed about all the load details and is constantly in communication.


It is in charge of sending information and necessary payments to the CBP on behalf of its clients in exchange for a fee for this service.

When looking for a Customs Broker or Freight Forwarder, it is important to evaluate the following –since on this depends, to a great extent, the speed and agility with which goods will cross to the destination Country:


  • Does he have the capacity to handle my product?

  • Does he know how to handle my product?

  • How large is his suppliers and collaborators network?

  • How is the level of communication?

  • What is his experience handling my product?

There are more than 14,000 Customs Brokers in the US with an active license. To find one, you may search on your own, or you may click on the following CBP office link:


iv. Make Sure the Importer/Buyer Meets the Necessary Requirements


  • To be current with its tax obligations before the SAT (Tax Administrations Service).

  • To be registered on the SAT’s importers registry; or if using a trader.

  • It shall be registered in the importer’s registry.

  • To have a Customs Broker in Mexico to carry out the importation of goods.


v. Necessary documentation for buying, selling, shipping and arrival of goods in the destination country

  • It is important to create an international agreement for the sale of goods between the supplier in the US and the buyer in Mexico (preferably in one single language for both parties) in order to set forth rights, obligations, price, INCOTERMS® (international terms of trade) and taking care of transaction legal aspects.

  • Creating a file containing documents that have been exchanged between buyer and seller, emails, notes, faxed letters, etc. in order to have a backup on the negotiations carried out.

  • Packing list.

  • Commercial invoice.

  • Origin health certificate for exportation.

  • Shipper Export Declaration Form.

  • Certificate of origin, it is a “Self-Certification”.

  • LPS-210S form.

  • Free of diseases statement.


The format of export certificates (LPS-210S, Disease Free Declarations and any amendments) cannot be changed.


vi. Sanitary provisions and specifications


a) Mexican official standard NOM-051-SCFI/SSA 1-2010, General Labeling Specifications for Pre-Packaged Food and Non- Alcoholic Beverages- Commercial and Food Safety Information. Most relevant points. Designation of the prepackaged product shall appear in bold type inside the principal display panel of the label, on a parallel line to the base, as the product is designed and complying with the designation provisions contained in the Mexican Official Standard of prepackaged product. On the label of a prepackaged product sold individually, shall have the list of ingredients, except for one-single ingredient products and with no additives. For prepackaged products, the name, company name and fiscal address of the individual responsible for the product shall be indicated on the label including, but not limited to: street name, number, zip code and State where it is located. The following products will be exempted from including the Nutrition Declaration, as long as they do not include any Nutrition Claim or Health Claim. Labels on prepackaged products shall be affixed in such a way that they remain available up to the moment they are consumed under normal conditions, and they shall be applied per each unit, multiple or collective pack. When the mandatory commercial information of prepackaged products intended for the end consumer are in a multiple or collective pack, it shall not be necessary for said information to appear on the panel of the individual package. However, the indication of the lot and expiration date or best-by-date shall appear on the individual prepackage product. Also, on the prepackaged product, the following legend, shall always be individually indicated: “Not Labeled for Individual Sale”, when they do not have all the mandatory information or an equivalent phrase. Data which are to appear on the label shall be indicated with clear, visible, indelible characters and in contrasting colors, easy to read by the consumer under normal circumstances of purchase and use.

The piece of information regarding the lot, expiration date or best-by-date may be placed on any part of the package. When the package is covered by a wrapping, all the applicable information shall appear on it, unless the package label can easily be read through the external wrapping. At least, the brand name, declaration of amount, designation of prepackaged product, front-of-pack label, and that whose location had been specified, shall appear on the principal display panel of the product. The rest of the information referred to in this Mexican Official Standard, may be included on any other part of the package.

4.8.1 Prepackaged products shall bear the mandatory information set forth in this Mexican Official Standard in Spanish language, regardless of the fact it may be expressed in other languages. When mandatory information is expressed in other languages, it shall also appear in Spanish in accordance to this Mexican Official Standard.

4.8.2 The presentation of additional information or graphic representation on the label additional to that set forth in this Mexican Official Standard, which may be present in another language, is optional and, in such a case, it shall not substitute, but be additional to, the labeling requirements of this Standard, as long as such information is necessary to avoid errors or deceit for the consumer.

If you need to know more about the details regarding NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 Mexican Standard and the correct labeling of products for sale to end consumers or wholesale, please follow this link:



b) NOM-159-SSA1-2016 Mexican Official Standard: Goods and Services. Eggs, Egg Products and Derivatives. Sanitary Provisions and Specifications. Test Methods.


It is necessary that the labels attached to the products or ready-to-eat packaging contain the information that the health authority in Mexico determines.


10.1 The denomination of the product shall include the treatment it was subjected to.

10.2 If the identification of the lot corresponds to the Expiration or Best By Date, the legend “Lot” and “Expiration Date or Best By Date” shall be indicated before it, as the case may be.

10.3 Indicate the laying date (production date) as well as the best by date for shell eggs.

10.5 Pre-packaged products not intended for end consumers:

10.5.1 Labels affixed on products shall be attached in such a way that they remain available at the time of use.

10.5.2 The information referred to in this Standard shall be in Spanish language, regardless of the fact it may appear in other languages. When the information is in other languages, it shall also be included in Spanish, at least with the same font size and in a similar visible manner.

10.5.3 Ingredients shall be listed in decreasing quantitative order (m/m).

10.5.4 Domestic products or from abroad shall include the legend indicating the country of origin of the products, for example: "Made in..."; "Product of..."; "Manufactured in...", and other similar ones, followed by the name of the Country of origin of the product.

10.5.5 They shall indicate the corresponding date in accordance to what is set forth in items 10.3 and 10.4 of this Standard, which shall comply with the following: The manufacturer shall declare it on the package or label, and it shall consist at least of: The day and month for products that last maximum three months; or The month and year for products which last more than three months. The date shall appear after a legend indicating if said date refers to the expiration date or the best by date. In the case of expiration date, it shall be indicated including before it one of the following legends, their abbreviations or similar legends: “Expiration Date ___”, “Expiration ____”, “Exp. Dat.____”. In the case of best by date, it shall be indicated writing before it one of the following legends, their abbreviation or similar legends: “Preferably Consume Before ____”, “Pref. Cons. Before ___”. Words indicated in numbers and shall be accompanied by the date itself.

10.5.6 Every container shall have indicated or marked in any way the lot identification to which it belongs, with a coded indication allowing for its traceability.

10.5.7 The lot identification including the product manufacturer shall be marked in an indelible and permanent manner.

10.5.8 The lot code shall include before it any of the following indications: “LOT”, “Lot”, “L”, “Lote”, “lote”, “lot”.

10.5.9 If the lot identification corresponds to the expiration date, or the best by date, the legends “Lot” and “Expiration Date or Best By Date” shall be included before it as the case may be.

10.6 Legends.

Products subject matter of this Standard shall, as the case may be, include the following legends or an equivalent legend:

10.6.1 In the case of shell eggs, include: “Once the product is purchased, it is recommended to keep it under refrigeration”.

10.6.2 For products requiring refrigeration or freezing, the legends shall be included, as the case may be: “Keep or Maintain under Refrigeration or Frozen”.

10.6.3 For frozen products, include: “Once Thawed-out, it Shall not Be Re-Frozen and Be Used Immediately”.

10.6.4 For dehydrated products: “Keep in a Fresh and Dry Place”, “Once Rehydrated, Consume it Entirely”.

10.6.5 For pasteurized and hygienically packaged products: “Once the Package is Open, it shall be Store at Refrigeration Temperature, for no more than 48 hours” or “Once the Package is Open, it shall be Kept under Refrigeration, for no more than 48 hours”.

10.6.6 Legends above shall be indicated clearly and with highlighted characters, so that they are visible for the consumer.

Amendments to NOM-159-SSA1-2016, which was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on August 15th, 2019, were aimed at adding sanitary provisions for washing operations of shell eggs, allowing producers, importers and commercialization companies of shell eggs the option of washing during the process without affecting product safety.

  • Therefore, all and each of the following items shall be met in case washed eggs are exported from the US to Mexico.

  • Compliance with the applicable specifications in item 6.1.10 of this Standard and the following: Washing and drying operations shall be carried out immediately after recollection of eggs; Once they are dried, they can be coated with an appropriate edible oil or with a coating agent allowed to this end in item 7.3 of this Standard;

7.3 Food Additives

Additives allowed for the products subject matter of this Standard, are those established in the Agreement by which additives and coadjutants for foods, beverages and food supplements, their use and sanitary provisions and modifications are determined. Washed and dried eggs, coated or not, shall be kept under refrigeration until sold, in accordance to item of this Standard, and For shell eggs subjected to refrigeration, the cold chain shall be maintained throughout the process, i.e., until sold to consumers. Eggs which were washed shall comply with the provisions of item 10.6.2 of this Standard.

10.6.2 For products requiring refrigeration or freezing, the corresponding legend: “Keep under Refrigeration or Frozen” shall be included as the case may be.

6.1.10 Washing Washing of eggs with drinking water and detergent intended to this end –following the manufacturer instructions– shall be done immediately before they are used as raw material. When rinsing, no detergent residues shall be left on eggs. Washing of egg shells shall be done exclusively using mechanical means, with procedures preventing microbial penetration inside eggs. During washing, the following requirements shall be met: Washing water shall be fully changed maximum every four hours, as long as the circumstances do not make it necessary to change it earlier –in order to keep sanitary conditions and effectiveness of the operation. Water temperature for washing eggs shall be kept at least at 32 °C (90 °F), and not to exceed 45 °C (113 °F). Under no circumstances, eggs shall be submerged and/or held in the washing water. All eggs subjected to washing shall be treated with a food-grade sanitizing agent which could be incorporated into the final rinse water.


If you wish to read the original publication of 2018 NOM-159-SSA1-2016 Standard, you may click on the following link:


If you wish to read the amended version of 2019 NOM-159-SSA1-2016 Standard, you may click on the following link:



c) Mexico´s zoosanitary requirements to allow the importation of Table Eggs from the United States of America in accordance with SENASICA. (HRZ)


According to the product to be imported (poultry meat), the importer must review and comply with the combination of current requirements (at the time of its introduction into the national territory) established in the MCRZ WARNING: The exporter and importer must check the last version/ updated Zoosanitay requirements sheet (HRZ) before sending the shipment to the border in the following link  


For table eggs requirements use the combination 004-13-481-USA-USA



 Example of the requirements to be met by the importer


Present original Official Health Certificate issued by the corresponding authority of the country of origin that indicates:


1.- Exporter and importer’s name and address.


2.- That the product originates from the Country indicated on the document under origin.


3.- That the eggs originate from farms that participate in the national poultry improvement plan and are free of Mycoplasma synovidae and Mycoplasma gallisepticum.


4.- That the eggs originate from farms that participate in the national poultry improvement plan and are free from (Salmonella pullorum and Salmonella gallinarum).


5.- That the product comes from a zone meeting the recommendations of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) to be considered free from velogenic Newcastle disease in poultry and commercial birds; and:


a) It has not been in contact with poultry products from any zone or region where there is Newcastle disease; and

b) It has not transited through a zone or region considered to have presence of Newcastle disease, unless movement is directly through the region in a sealed transportation with an intact seal upon arrival to destination;

c) The product comes from flocks that have a monitoring program of 70 birds that began after the 12 days of age, using viral isolation tests and velogenic strain identification through the Intracerebral Pathogenicity Index test in one-day chicks, and carried out per every lot going into the farm, testing negative for velogenic Newcastle disease


6.- That the product comes from flocks of origin farms where at least 59 serum samples were taken that were tested for Avian Influenza, using the double Agar Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) or ELISA test in accordance to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) guidelines, and which tested negative for Avian Influenza; or that the origin flock or farm is registered in the National Poultry Improvement Plan.


7.- That prior to export eggs were disinfected and packed in new cardboard boxes sealed with tape, or packaged in filler flats, placed on disinfected pallets wrapped for stability with film. Each box or pallet with filler flats is identified with the USDA stamp.


8.- That vehicles or containers where the goods are transported were washed and disinfected previous to shipment.


9.- That the product is freely moved and marketed in the Country of origin.


10.- That the product is approved for human consumption by an official health Agency.


11.- That at the farm of origin and at the establishment from where the product proceeds, there are sufficient and effective traceability mechanisms that allow determine the origin of the export commodity.


Other requirements to be met by the Office of Agricultural Health Inspection (OISA) upon presentation of the shipment:


12.- The Animal Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries Safety Official (OSAAP) should perform the documentation review and physical inspection of shipments at the first point of entry into the Country.


13.- The packing shall exhibit the stamp of the competent authority.


14.- Shipment and documentation of imported products shall meet the provisions set forth in Articles 24, 32 and 89 Sections I, II, III, IV y V (see them in the Standards Section) of the Federal Animal Health Law.


15.- Compliance with the Animal Health Requirements Sheet’s (HRZ) provisions does not relieve the importer of the submission of documents and/or paperwork required by other authorities.


16.- Expenses incurred in by the compliance with the measures provided for in the HRZ shall be paid by the interested party (importer, legal proxy or the owner of the regulated goods).



17.- For inspection of goods requiring refrigeration or freezing, provisions in Article 204 shall be complied with (Refer to the Standards section) of the By-laws of the Federal Animal Health Law.



d) Table eggs inspection procedure  in accordance with the SENASICA Commercial Guide.


Fertile Egg and Table Eggs Considerations


1. Inspection of merchandise should be carried out in such a way as to minimize damage to the shell.


a. Acceptable criteria are considered:

 I. Stains that are not blood, or feces that cover an area 0.5 cm².

II. Blood stains, which do not exceed a surface greater than 0.5 cm².


b. Dirty egg criteria are considered:

 I. An egg stained with blood, feces, or urine that exceeds 0.6 cm². Of the surface.

II. The cracked egg is not acceptable because it affects the viability of the egg. Cracks are those that are the width of a hair or more.

III. The number of dirty eggs in each tray must not exceed 10%.

IV. A sample is only taken for the laboratory when, upon physical inspection, some evidence of sanitary risk is presented and the regulatory area so determined and it must be sent to CENASA for its diagnosis at cost to the Interested Party.

Shell egg considerations


1. During physical inspection the factors of temperature, time and humidity should not have a detrimental effect on the safety and suitability of the eggs.


2. When the dish egg has been subjected to refrigeration, the cold chain must be maintained throughout the process, including their inspection.


Phase I. Document Review:


1. The user must capture the data and attach the documents of the merchandise to be imported in accordance with what is requested in the Combination of Zoosanitary Requirements corresponding to the country of origin and provenance, as well as in the special letters issued by the DGSA when applicable.


Phase II. Physical inspection:


1. 100% of the containers and / or pallets containing the merchandise must be unloaded in the inspection area and the pallets must be placed so that they allow the path of official personnel.


2. The cargo must be well stowed, so that the necessary movements can be carried out to unload and inspect the merchandise.


3. Containers and / or pallets must be presented clean.


4. The officer verifies that the original strapping is presented intact at the opening (when so indicated in the requirements module).


5. Official staff corroborate that the eggs were packed in new washed cardboard or plastic boxes.


6. It is verified that 100% of the boxes are well identified by means of labels or stamps that contain the information referring to the shipment, for example, but not limited to: number of official zoosanitary certificate, number of incubator or producer plant, name of the farm, lot number (s) and in accordance with compliance with the fractions of Art. 89 of the LFSA. It must be verified that the identification present in the boxes corresponds to what is declared in the documentation of the merchandise to be imported.


7. The trays should not be shaken, the eggs should not be removed from their place except when a drained or stained egg is observed, to verify how far the stain reaches and determine the number of “dirty” eggs per box.


8. The visual inspection of the egg, which is recommended to verify its compliance with the animal health requirements established for this type of merchandise, includes:


a. Open the box when required by the requirements combination.

b. Select the boxes to be checked according to Table 1 of this procedure.

c. Choose the boxes randomly.

d. Check the eggs preferably on table surfaces and in places with a temperature similar to that in which the eggs should be kept, to avoid condensation water forming on them in hot places.

e. Check without the presence of drafts.

f. Check all the trays of the selected boxes.




Table 1. Determination of the sample size of the boxes to be inspected
















The classification of defects to approve or reject the importation of products will be applied according to the following table:























1. If more than 10% of dirty egg is found per sampled tray, the revision is increased to 50% more than the boxes inspected; if the pattern repeats or increases, reject the lot.


Opinion of the procedure:


1. Accept that the process continues if there was no obstacle in the physical inspection of the merchandise. Place the strap (s) when indicated in the requirements module (fertile egg and SPF).

2. Refusal of the procedure when:

a. Does not comply with any of the established Zoosanitary Requirements, indicating in the refusal the specific reasons to proceed with the modification of the procedure if it is appropriate or the definitive rejection of the shipment.

b. The presence of blood, excrement and / or feathers or small feathers is detected in the amounts described in Table 2.


vii. Checklist of Items and Documents
































SENASICA’s Sanitary egg combinations with applicable tariff classifications









Number of boxes that

make up the lot

Minimum sample size (number of boxes to select)

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