Importation of samples
Samples are those, which due to their amount, weight, volume and other presentation conditions, unequivocally indicate that they only may serve as samples. For this purpose, documentation or a free-text letter will be required to file to the General Office of Phytosanitary Inspection (DGIF) from SENASICA stating said situation and where it can be unequivocally proven to be samples.
Samples may enter the National Territory as long as the sheet of requirements in question is complied with. And payment of fees in accordance to Article 86-A of the Federal Tax Act in effect shall be made.
The fees for the import certificate will not be paid in the cases indicated by the penultimate
paragraph of article 86-A of the current Federal Law of Rights.
The free text shall include at least the following information:
Importer’s name or company name. If the importer is a company, submit the instrument indicating the legal status of the legal proxy of the Company.
In the case of individuals, submit a picture ID.
Phone number.
Population Registration Number (CURP) or Federal Taxpayer ID (RFC).
Reasons or facts motivating the request.
Original signature of the legal proxy.
Product description.
Product use or consumption description.
Quantity and justification of the use of products to be imported.
Country of origin and country of departure.
Person responsible for the research.
Reason or end for imported goods.
Document of the company or institution stating that they are samples not for sale, and
Entry point into Mexico.