Trusted User (UCON) and Federally Inspected Establishments (TIF)
Trusted User (UCON)
Agreement by which the animal health quality password is established for trusted users in importation. To read the full agreement, you may follow the link:
UCON is a password granted to Trusted Users (companies established in Mexico importing goods
into Mexico) for a timely importation process of meats, carcasses, variety meats and offals. Registration in the program is voluntary.
It may be obtained by importers whose shipments are to be sent to a Federally Inspected Facility (TIF), where the Official Veterinarian, Authorized Responsible Veterinarian or Authorized Third Party shall perform the verification and inspection of meats, carcasses, variety meats and offals that have been imported under the password in accordance to the applicable animal health regulations.
Using this password reduces inspection times and provides for a timely release of importation shipments addressed to a Federally Inspection Facility (TIF) at the entry point. In order to guarantee sanitation, safety and traceability of product, a systematized closing of the formality with a radiofrequency device is used. With this, the Traceability System may be consolidated at the importations component.
The UCON password may be obtained by all importers addressing their importation shipments to a Federally Inspected Establishment (TIF), where the Official Veterinarian and/or the Authorized Third Party shall perform the verification and inspection of meats, carcasses, variety meats and offals in accordance to the procedure set forth in NOM-030-ZOO-1995 Mexican Standard. To learn more about the UCON password, you may follow this link:
Verification, inspection and certification procedure for loads having the animal health quality password for Trusted Users (UCON) for importation.
Importations under this system are carried out in a non-conventional manner. In the Bonded Warehouse the document review is performed issuing an animal certificate for importation, releasing the goods for them to be taken to a Federally Inspected Facility (TIF) where the physical inspection will take place.
It is in effect for one year, and it may be renewed every year for a similar term upon an importer’s application through a free-text letter addressed to the General Director of Phytosanitary Inspection which is to be submitted one month before the document expires.
The container is NOT pulled at the unloading platform of the Sanitary Verification and Inspection Point (PVIZI) and SENASICA’s staff at the site will note the strapping numbers on the international animal health certificate.
The Official Veterinarian of the UCON (Authorized Third-Party Specialist [TEA] or Responsible Veterinarian at Federally Inspected Establishments [MVRATIF]) of the destination TIF establishment, shall consult the formality at the VDMCE system.
In case of contingency due to VDMCE system failure, the goods release at the entry point will be done under the following options when the physical inspection takes place at the destination TIF establishment:
a) Through the VDMCE’s document review resolution letter, which shall have the stamp and signature of the Agency and the following legend: “This document is issued because of a contingency with the One-Stop Shop in accordance to the Agreement setting forth the classification and codification of imported goods subject to regulations by SADER, through SENASICA, as published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on September 3 2012 and subsequent modifications. This letter is valid to prove compliance with this Agreement and other legal applicable provisions”.
b) Through an alternative system.
Document Review
Document Review will be performed in the usual manner by the OISA’s staff at the point of entry.
Physical Inspection
1. The Official Veterinarian of the UCON, Authorized Third-Party Specialist (TEA) or Responsible Veterinarian at Federally Inspected Establishments (MVRATIF) of the destination TIF establishment, may require from the TIF establishment the registration format of shipment entry to verify they arrive strapped, requesting the driver the corresponding shipment’s documentation.
2. The vehicle will pull over the corresponding unloading dock for the deconsolidation procedure where the following be reviewed:
a. Vehicle identification.
b. Strapping.
c. Container or box number.
d. Termo King temperature.
3. Once the data are compared, the strapping will be removed to verify the goods match with the documentation. The vehicle will be checked to make sure it is clean and that the combos, carcasses or boxes are in order, and that there is no contact between the product and the floor or the walls to continue with the deconsolidation process.
4. Inspection and sampling of the goods will take place in accordance with NOM-030-ZOO-1995 Mexican Standard: “Specifications and Procedures for Verification of Imported Meats, Carcasses, Variety Meats and Offals”.
5. Once the inspection is over, Annex 4 “Inspection Guide for Meat Products” will be signed and stamped by the Veterinarian conducting the inspection.
Inspection Opinion
If in accordance with the shipment verification, there is compliance with the physical inspection, goods may be released for processing. In case the physical inspection finds regulatory non-compliances, a Statement of Facts and an official Notice Letter will be written in accordance to Article 45 of LFSA and 72 of RLFSA, and the following measures may be ordered: return to the Country of Origin or Country of Departure or destruction; or sending to a rendering or harvest plant. In these cases, there will be a retention, return and/or destruction official letter. The official staff (TEA or MVRATIF), will verify the return, shipment to a rendering plant or destruction of the shipment as the case may be.
Certification of goods for importation was performed by the official personnel at the point of entry into Mexico. When the formalities have been completed under the contingency scheme due to system crash, when the system is up again, an opinion shall be issued, and the certificate shall be sent electronically to the destination TIF facility.
Procedure to Become a UCON:
Submit a free-text letter to Dr. Jorge Luis Leyva Vázquez, Director General of Phytosanitary Inspection. Address: Insurgentes Sur 489, Hipódromo, C.P. 06100, Ciudad de México, México.; It shall contain the following information:
a) Name, Company Name or Business Name of Importer/and or Legal Proxy.
b) Importer’s Federal Taxpayers’ Registry (RFC) and Address.
c) Address, email, phone and authorized individuals to hear and receive notices.
d) Importer or Legal Proxy’s Population Registration Number (CURP).
e) Name of Customs Broker.
f) Name of Sanitary Verification and Inspection Point for Importation and Customs point where the importation shipments will go through.
g) Listing of destination TIF Establishments (name, address, phone and type of activity).
h) Business hours to receive importation shipments and average of shipments received per day per every destination TIF Establishment.
i) Time and place where the inspection and sampling will take place for importation shipments.
j)Name of the Authorized Responsible Veterinarian(s) in Federal Inspected Establishments (MVRATIF) and the official Veterinarians assigned to the destination TIF establishment who shall have an effective FIEL signature. The following information shall be attached about them: full name, birthdate, RFC, Professional Identification Number (cédula profesional), Voter’s ID number, email, authorization code and cell phone number.
Additionally, the following information shall be attached:
Attach an original or certified copy of the incorporation instrument of the company’s name.
Original or certified copy of a notarized power of attorney proving his/her legal capacity.
Procedures Manual to be implemented in the destination TIF establishment.
Copy of the letter issued by the General Office of Agri-food, Aquaculture and Fisheries Safety granting the Registration Code to the Authorized Responsible Veterinarian.
Original letter of acceptance of responsibility to get authorization to access information in the Mexican Foreign Trade Digital Window filled out by the MVRATIF and the official staff.
Advantages of being a UCON.
To acknowledge those users that have been responsible and committed with importation of animal origin goods.
Complying with safety and wholesomeness standards to protect animal agriculture assets and consumers’ health.
Reduction of inspection times.
To have timely release of importation shipments at the point of entry for products going to a TIF establishment.
Prestige and sanitary safety for Trusted Users and their clients.
The application is free.
For questions or further information regarding the UCON program, call SENASICA’s central offices by phone: 52+ (55) 59-05-1000 Extensions 51165, 51120 or 51159
Federally Inspected Establishments (TIF).
The objective is to offer optimum quality (hygienic and sanitary) products internationally acknowledged. A TIF establishment may be: a slaughter plant for animals, cold storage and industrial processing of meat products and byproducts. It is subjected to permanent sanitary inspections by SENASICA to verify that the place and processes meet SADER’s safety food regulations.
The TIF system minimizes risks that may be posed by meat products and byproducts as a source of animal disease that may be disseminated to other animals, minimizing impact on public health, animal health, the economy and domestic supply. This certification entails benefits for the meat industry, because it facilitates mobilization of products in the Country. Similarly, it opens up international trade possibilities, since TIF establishments are the only ones eligible to export.
In order to be a Trusted User (UCON), imported goods shall have as a destination (for physical inspection) a TIF establishment. This way, inspection is not carried out at the point of entry into the Country, but later on in the national territory within the TIF establishment. This makes the importation process more expedited.
Procedure to become a TIF establishment:
Below are the items to be contained in a free-text letter addressed to SENASICA’s General Office of Agri-food, Aquaculture and Fisheries Safety:
Name or company name.
Address of applicant.
Phone and, given the case, fax number.
E-mail (as the case may be).
Federal Taxpayers’ Registry (RFC) or Population Registration Number (CURP).
The applicant or its legal proxy’s affixed signature.
Indicate the request, the facts or reasons to apply, the office it is addressed to and the place and date of submission. Annex the documents indicated in the following link:
In case of questions or to get further information regarding TIF establishments, you may call SENASICA’s phone number: 52+ (55) 59-05-1000 Extensions 51541 and 51538.