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Quarantine Measures 

Quarantine measures is a set of technical measures that are taken to hinder or avoid entry of pests or disease into the Country:

Reasons for the application of a quarantine measure.

When SENASICA rejects the goods (deeming that the request to get the importation certificate does not meet the requirements), it shall issue a letter indicating the corresponding quarantine measures. These may be:

a) Return of Goods

The load or goods are to be returned to the Country of Origin or Country of Departure, or to a third Country accepting it when animal health provisions are not met.


b) Conditioning

Sanitary measure ordered by SENASICA in Article 45 section II of the Federal Animal Health Act (LFSA) to apply a treatment for a merchandise regulated therein –to make then adequate or prepare them through the introduction of one or several sanitary measures in order to prevent the introduction and dissemination of pests and disease.

c)  Destruction

Sanitary measure ordered by SENASICA, by which goods intended to be imported into Mexico are disabled due to the fact that they do not meet the applicable regulations and/or pose a sanitary risk for the Country. Expenses incurred in derived from this action shall be paid by the user.


The rejection or negative resolution regarding the load formality shall be issued in the

following instances:

  • Presence of quarantine-relevant pests.

  • Characteristics such as: color, smell and texture different from the product intended for importation.

  • Whenever the product does not match with what is declared on the international sanitary certificate.

  • If there are labeling errors and/or data inconsistencies between the label and the documents, the entire load will be deconsolidated to detect all labeling inconsistencies.

  • If the General Animal Health Office (DGSA) issues specific risk mitigation measures, OISA’s staff will verify such measures are applied.

Definition of critical defects

In accordance with NOM-030-ZOO-1995 Mexican Official Standard below are the criteria for classification of critical defects in red meats or poultry in boxes or combos. Critical defects always lead to rejection of goods.


Blood Clots

  • One or more which due to the number or size seriously affect the utility of the product –it is considered critical.



  • One or several which due to the number or extension seriously affect the utility of the product –it is considered critical.

  • One or more which due to the number or size seriously affect the utility of the product –it is considered critical.


Detached Cartilage or Ligaments

  • Which due to their number seriously affects the utility of the product –it is considered critical.



  • Covering an area greater than 1.5 cm (0.6 in) at the widest point –it is considered critical.

​Fecal Matter

  • Any amount-it is considered critical

Foreign Hazardous Material

  • Any organic or inorganic material or foreign body that alone or jointly can cause any harm or alteration, for example: pieces of metal, glass or hard plastic –it is considered critical.


Non-Hazardous Foreign Material

  • Large insects or those related to insalubrity, as well as any other material that due to its number or size may seriously affect the utility of the product –it is considered critical.


Feathers, Hair, Wool or Skin

  • An amount that seriously affects the quality of the product –it is considered critical.



  • Any level detected organoleptically –it is considered critical.



  • Any injury except for those included in the next paragraph –it is considered critical.


Stains or Decolorated Areas

  • Larger or smaller areas, but those that due to the number seriously affect the utility of the product –it is considered critical.


Other Defects

  • Those that individually or together seriously affect the appearance or utility of the product –it is critical.


Examples of critical defects

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